
Note: This blog has only few selected write-ups from my private blog. Drag down to read the blogs.

Experiences -> Thoughts -> Feelings -> Expressions -> Reflections
Traversing the path of destiny

Disclaimer: Views expressed here are my own unless explicitly specified. Just as I exerted my freedom of expression, you may use your freedom of interpretation. NOM

It's me

I'm what I'm.
I do care. I do feel. I'm sensitive n emotional.

For me, Life is not all about NPV (Net Present Value)
For me close friends are for share and care, to walk along, to enjoy, to fight, to shed tears for celebrating joys and sharing sorrows, to be open, and most importantly unprejudiced... my close friends list is unfortunately prone to additions or subtractions for the same reasons even-though i never like it to happen...

Strictly no scheming pls...
For me trust matters... a lot...

I write... I like to express through poems... sharp and frank...
I sing a bit... learnt Carnatic for a short stint...
I compose, though donno playing musical instruments...
Anything about music enthuses me... I just love it like anything...

If I'm passionate about something, there's no looking back...
I don't mind taking risks... I like adventure... I like exploring new places and culture...
I adjust... a lot... In fact life's about adjustments.. Nothing is perfect

A Brahmin by records... Believes in one God... For me Kerala breakfast is the best in world... My mom n deedi are the best anyone can get... Composing music, writing poems, singing, listening to music, cats, cricket are my favorites...

I aspire to give salary and provide smile to atleast one family...
I believe all praises are to God... Everything good happened to me, moments, experiences, talents, is a gift of god. All bad things are learning experiences.

I'm an ambivert. I don't mingle that easily. I'm an Open book only for closer ones. If you are not my close friend, well I'm reserved. If you are my close friend, I do really seriously care or over care or whatsoever, so be me close buddy only if you can bear the consequences.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Lessons from life

Thought 16th October '11
Be happy is the only way to be happy

Thought 10th July '11
We can never underestimate anyone.. and we never kno wats in store for future... It may be the ones who we hurt d most we may need d most at some point of tym.. this's d magic called life..
Remember, it's not about living just a life, for there is only one life to live a worthy life

Thought 25th June '11
Life is not only about achievements
It's also about sacrifices

Thought 7th May '11
People may think nothing in life comes for free
But there are many things in life which comes for free
Mom's love.. Sibling's affection... Close friend's care...
Even being born as a human, is a free gift from God!
But since these are free, we hardly realise the value of it.
But by the time it slip off from our hand,
we will not get it back even if we can pay for it.

Thought 28th Apr '11
Life is not all about NPV (Net Present Value)

Thought 20th Jan '11
God gave me good and bad things. For all bad experiences, he also gave 2 medicines - forget and forgive

Thought 20th Jan '11
You may not be able to prevent failures. But u can laugh at it and learn from it!

Thought 20th Jan '11
I dont mind failing more. Bcoz i have tried out more chances to become successful

Monday, March 9, 2020


Calling bhai or boss just for the sake
Without even meaning it, is hilarious
Cant help it; For Some people
Will always run behind 'power'houses
- posted Aug 03, 2011 19:11 PM

Show your attitude and keep on correcting others
Only if you haven't committed any mistakes
- posted Aug 03, 2011 19:11 PM

It's anopia where people think everything is under them
- posted July 11, 2011 18:50 PM

Nice 3 days in Mumbai... Met Harsha Bhogle, lot of aspiring models, had grt fud, presentation in front of media, roaming arnd Mumbai (Sealink, Gateway, Leopold) wid other finalists like me... Overall grt experience! For the results, well from 3000 to 33 itself feels gud. It ws jst a bad 15 minutes...
- posted July 8, 2011 00:06 AM

All suggestions are valuable. But how much value, well I'll decide
- posted 4th May '11

I wonder if any HR any day takes responsibility for anything bad happens in any company
- posted 29th Mar '11

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


You miss a flight, you curse the God
Till you hear it crashed
Then you repent, and praise the lord
And feel grateful like never before

You pray to god and give a deal
If this happens, then I’ll do this
You curse the God the moment you know
That it didn’t happen the way you want

You never realise it’s for a purpose
Or to ignite the spark in you
You never even think the other good things
She has done for you

God is always great
And doing good for you
It cannot be measured every time
In material terms

Be happy every moment
Be happy for being born
Be happy for feeling her love
For She is there within you

Challenges come to you
Like thunderstorms
Don’t ignore, but face
Coz you have the strength

You may fail to impress
Lesser ones may overtake
Doesn’t matter, keep moving on
Bigger stage is waiting for you

People fear God, C’mon
She is not scary
Please admire her, Coz
She is the greatest

She doesn’t hate you
She is not there to punish
Unless you do a harm
To your fellow beings

She is even so generous
To forget and forgive, the best medicines
The same gift she gave to you
But you hardly use it!

Not everyone will love you
But sure, someone will
Forgive the ones who hate you
Love the ones who love you

Think of others, even if they don’t
For you are good enough
Help others even if they bash you,
For She’s there within you

Rumor mongering has become a craze
People who does it don't care for you
Never bother since it's not worth to
For those who care, you are special!

Uphold your self-respect; only then
Others will respect you
Don’t chain anyone; for they
Deserve their own freedom

You are capable, you are good
You are unique and that makes you special
Do your best and leave the rest
For God, since she knows better

Ask your head and take the risks
Stand straight on falling down
Ask your heart and fall in love
Greet with smile if your partner parts

Be you; be bold, humble and caring
But keep refined, for the better you
Not everyone will be sincere
Still give a chance before you ignore

Take life as it comes
Planning won’t always work
Remember there is only one life
To live, love and die

Face the world with brave face
Smile as the moments pass by
For there is only one life
To live a worthy life

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Joy Of Life

Live life till the end
Njoy every nuance
It's not a battlefield; rather
An Offroad of peaks and troughs

Drive through the present
There is no reverse gear
Hope is the accelerator
And Love is the fuel

Laugh when you feel happy
Cry when you are sad and upset
Express what you feel; For
Emotions are not to hide

Hands are for adios and hug
Eyes are for stare and wink
Tears are for sorrow and joy
Life is of gloom and glow!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Chilling Chilika

The sun has risen an hour back and I had to wake up midway in my sleep cutting through the soothing dreams thanks to the loud alarm ringing in my cell. It was a fine winter freezing morning when we packed our bags and laced our shoes and eases into a rented Chevrolet Tavera to head towards the mighty Chilika lagoon at Satpada. We were a group of 6 guys with nothing to do in trimester 6 of MBA course and the trip was the result of our research paper on ‘How to kill time’, started by Subu with a long chart of destinations in and around Orissa, along with frequent calling for formal meetings and sending MOMs after each meet!

We planned to go at 7 AM. But thanks to the driver arriving late, we started from Bhubaneswar at 7.30, with all dressed up in jackets. We stopped at around 8.30 in a roadside restaurant for breaking the fast (for past 8 hours). After a long wait, we were happy to feed ourselves with variety of dosas, puri sabjis and a tasty tea. Satisfied with the good food, we resumed our journey at 8.30. We passed through serene leafless trees on either sides of the road as if they are welcoming us with a ‘Namaskar’.

Brahmagiri, one of the major junctions during the last lap of the onward journey, amazed me with narrow lanes filled up with cycles run by people ranging from school going fledglings to the old-timers. It won’t be surprising if it has a nickname ‘Cyclegiri’. It seemed as if the place is following the footsteps of Denmark in cycle density.

After a journey of 3 hours helped by a delay of 1 hour for the mighty breakfast, we reached the shining shores of Chilika at Satpada. Debu, the bhai of the team, recently promoted to Uncle, thanks to his newly grown moustache, assumed the role of a treasurer. He pooled in money from all of us, stacked up snacks, bought the ticket and there we go!

We took 1600 Rs ticket and got into a seemingly old boat. The whole journey was around 4 hours across the lake. It was an awesome experience to be in the midst of chilling lake for that long period. Inside the boat, Deepu sat on the extreme front like the captain, me and Puskhu were at the left side and Prati and Subu were at the right side. At the back deck was the sleeping Debu, who wakes up intermittently, wears the cooling glass and asks me to take photos proclaiming that in that outfit, he looks like Don!

We 1st went to a place where the boatmen showed us taking the pearls off the shell. Keeping the virgin gem in hand was exciting. Then we went to a point where we could catch a glimpse of dancing dolphins. The dolphin family got scared when many steamers ventured into its arena and in no time, they escaped to greater depths.

Then we moved to pay a visit to the Serbian guests, the birds flocking around a small ridge. We got down there and the boatmen threw stones near the bird’s vicinity so that we could witness the spectacular scene of them flying in groups forming colourful sketches in the sky and move towards the other end of the ridge.

Later we moved to a lakeside makeshift restaurant which was exclusive for those sailing across Chilika. There were fishes, crabs and prawns in offer. The masala gravy prepared by cook was extremely delicious to say the least, a must try for those who peep into that area.

Finally we reached the best spot in the whole trip – An island in the lake mouth where lake and the Bay of Bengal joins. An isolated lake and a virgin beach nearby is as splendid a combination as ‘kappa and meen curry’, a Kerala dish. Some of us took bath in the beach followed by that in the lake to get rid of the sticky sands. I collected some shells as a memorabilia. In the island, we saw moving shells and a big outer shell of a dead tortoise. The boatmen showed us how to take a crab out of its shelter inside sandy holes. The crab kept quiet even at his hand when it was covered with sand. But it soon came back to action the moment it was dropped on to the shore. I was not sure if it was its tactic to lie unmoved or it might also be that it got fooled that it was in its own house when covered with sand. Debu started experimenting the phenomena and the results proved the hypothesis to be true. Debu even went to the extent of touching its chelipeds as if he is shaking hands with it. Finally it was time to leave and the weepy crab bid adieu to Debu hoping that he will come next time for a date.

Around 4.30 PM we started from Chilika heading to Bhubaneswar. The return trip was boring when most of us were busy resuming the broken dreams in the morning. I suggested Deepu that we can have a tea midway, which was vehemently rejected by him stating that we will reach there in an hour. And yes he was on the dot :p We finally reached at 7.30 PM thanks to the heavy traffic.

The funniest part during the whole trip was a caption in a poster in front of a midway hotel. It says: ’We welcome guests and send back friends’!

Characters (In the order of appearance):

Author             Nithin Gopinadh
Subu               Pradeep Subudhi
Debu               Debabrata Pruseth
Deepu             Deepak Panda
Pushku            Pushkar Singh
Prati                Pratik Ranjan

Date: 14th Jan 2011
Place: Too lazy eh? Read the article to figure out!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


In life you may have to face
Few rejections, embarassments, failures
People may hurt you and may not think
That you are worthy enough

But life is just 1 billion heartbeats
It is not made up of stereotypes
Noone is bad permanently, they're
Just victims of circumstances

The ones who are good to you
May even be bad to someone else
You may not get everything you like
But life holds its own surprises!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Home Awaits...

Though parted ways, traversed own paths,
Stretched your limits, climbed up skies,
Deep in your mind, a far off place,
Waits for you, to come back again!

You called it home and made it heaven,
You blossomed in its serene garden
You had your best of times out there
And learned a lot like never before

You made a lot of friends for life
A few found out their dear ones there!
Why dont you come and relive those
Good old days, all over again!