
Note: This blog has only few selected write-ups from my private blog. Drag down to read the blogs.

Experiences -> Thoughts -> Feelings -> Expressions -> Reflections
Traversing the path of destiny

Disclaimer: Views expressed here are my own unless explicitly specified. Just as I exerted my freedom of expression, you may use your freedom of interpretation. NOM

It's me

I'm what I'm.
I do care. I do feel. I'm sensitive n emotional.

For me, Life is not all about NPV (Net Present Value)
For me close friends are for share and care, to walk along, to enjoy, to fight, to shed tears for celebrating joys and sharing sorrows, to be open, and most importantly unprejudiced... my close friends list is unfortunately prone to additions or subtractions for the same reasons even-though i never like it to happen...

Strictly no scheming pls...
For me trust matters... a lot...

I write... I like to express through poems... sharp and frank...
I sing a bit... learnt Carnatic for a short stint...
I compose, though donno playing musical instruments...
Anything about music enthuses me... I just love it like anything...

If I'm passionate about something, there's no looking back...
I don't mind taking risks... I like adventure... I like exploring new places and culture...
I adjust... a lot... In fact life's about adjustments.. Nothing is perfect

A Brahmin by records... Believes in one God... For me Kerala breakfast is the best in world... My mom n deedi are the best anyone can get... Composing music, writing poems, singing, listening to music, cats, cricket are my favorites...

I aspire to give salary and provide smile to atleast one family...
I believe all praises are to God... Everything good happened to me, moments, experiences, talents, is a gift of god. All bad things are learning experiences.

I'm an ambivert. I don't mingle that easily. I'm an Open book only for closer ones. If you are not my close friend, well I'm reserved. If you are my close friend, I do really seriously care or over care or whatsoever, so be me close buddy only if you can bear the consequences.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Joy Of Life

Live life till the end
Njoy every nuance
It's not a battlefield; rather
An Offroad of peaks and troughs

Drive through the present
There is no reverse gear
Hope is the accelerator
And Love is the fuel

Laugh when you feel happy
Cry when you are sad and upset
Express what you feel; For
Emotions are not to hide

Hands are for adios and hug
Eyes are for stare and wink
Tears are for sorrow and joy
Life is of gloom and glow!